Ready. Set. Access.

Market Access Strategic Execution Consultant

Wolves Don’t Scare Them

Wolves Don't Scare Them

In situations where we have to present our work or ideas to those much, much, much more powerful than us, it can feel intimidating…at the very least. “What if they hate it?” “What if our budget doesn’t get renewed?” “What will happen to my job?” 

Much planning and rehearsing can certainly relieve some of the anxiety. But what if we weren’t given even a minute’s notice? What if right there in the meeting, the spotlight was abruptly put on us to present our work to these powerful people? MOST of us would be paralyzed by the feeling of being thrown to a pack of wolves.

There’s a special breed of market access professionals that are not scared of wolves. They will enjoy playing even amongst a pack of wolves. As a matter of fact, the wolves may even consider them as one of their own kind.

Unwavering self-confidence and faith in God—when mixed together, creates a force to be reckoned with. It can take years of relentless effort to master this art. Those who have mastered this art roam without a care in the world, yet they’re killing it…every. single. time. Lucky them!

Everyone would like to be this person–who wouldn’t? Culture goes a long way in cultivating such individuals.

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