Ready. Set. Access.

Market Access Strategic Execution Consultant

What I Want Is Not What They Want. What They Want Is Not What I Want

What I Want Is Not What They Want. What They Want Is Not What I Want

When putting our creative work through medical/legal review, it can quickly feel like the reviewers are on a mission to get at market access professionals.

The reality is, both entities are hands of the same body. When market access professionals approach reviewers with harmony, we can clap together.

The only way to engage with someone is to begin where they are, to see what they see, to gain enrollment in a conversation that leads to forward motion. It’s only by seeking sonder we can start the process of enrollment. And that’s almost never done with a spreadsheet.

What would the review session look like if we went in with such an outlook? How much better would our creative work be in the end?

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