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Market Access Strategic Execution Consultant

The Power of Silence

The Power of Silence

When Medical/Legal Review shreds your creative work to pieces and you’re left to pick up the remains, thank them. They might be on to something.

Elements OMITTED from market access projects are as much a part of a project as those included.

In graphic arts, this is called “negative space.”

“Under the Wave off Kanagawa” by Hokusai (c. 1830-1832): turn this picture upside down to see the other wave of negative space…nature’s yin and yang.

Silence has power because it creates space for forward motion.

Simply provide enough details so as not to confuse or bore the customers.

What do you want your customers to do? What do they need to know/be reminded of in order to do that? What do they need to tell their managers and colleagues in order to get the job done?

Allow them fill in the negative space.

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