Ready. Set. Access.

Market Access Strategic Execution Consultant

Slam Dunk Messages

Slam Dunk Messages

Creating an effective payer value proposition requires shifting from inside-out thinking to one that’s outside-in (rather than telling them what you want, tell them what they need to hear). An enticing value proposition is one that bridges the gap and helps payers connect previously unconnected dots. Here are some thoughtful questions that will help create rich messages for your payer value proposition:

  1. Does your asset solve a new problem or is it another/better solution to an old problem?
  2. Do payers know that they have this problem that you can solve for them?
  3. Are you leveraging an asset that others don’t have?
  4. Why hasn’t the problem been solved? What stands in the way? Is this even a real problem?
  5. Are you combining the previously uncombined in a way that’s hard to duplicate?
  6. Are you marketing an asset that will create its own inertia, disrupting existing value chains and improving as it goes?
  7. Is there any substantial reason why payers won’t simply switch to a cheaper alternative?
  8. How much better do you need to be than the status quo to get someone to leap and switch to your asset?
  9. How long can you sustain this change? What happens when the market changes?
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