Many, in preparation for the upcoming week, open their inbox on Sunday night. While sorting out relevant emails, they delete any unnecessary, noisy emails that get in the way. Delete. Delete. Delete….
When sorting through future hours, days, weeks, and years, what work will we do that counts? How much of our future activities could just be noisy action? Delete. Delete. Delete….
“Where you decide to put your time and attention says a lot about who you are as a human being” –Merlin Mann
The foundation that they stand on was built over years, decades, and even lifetimes. Effort and care of many were responsible for this moment. It takes effort to be effortless.
Smart teams typically conduct a postmortem after the completion of a large project.
Too often the breakdowns are put under the microscope during the 1-hour meeting.
Rarely do we acknowledge the breakthroughs, and how they can be reciprocated.
It’s hard to put in a 2 weeks at a place where our sacrifices are acknowledged and appreciated.
If there are no breakdowns on the agenda, STILL schedule a postmortem to acknowledge the breakthroughs. If no one else, at least YOU show up with acknowledgements. Seek out the silent linchpins.
We might’ve let some pleasant days slip by in the summer. But we dare not skip a single such day in the fall without making it count. Because soon we’ll run out of them.
We value things so much more after realizing their scarcity.
What needs to be done to improve your product’s access? What tools/people are available to help you (before they’re gone)?
Most influential people of their times have left without a trace.
There is an elite group of people that GAVE MORE THAN THEY TOOK. They moved needle in health care noticeably.
Alexander Fleming discovered the life-saving compound, penicillin. He gave up rights to his discovery so that it could reach the mass as quickly as possible.
Marie Curie conducted pioneering research on radioactivity that fueled the fight against cancer.
The thrilling part about track records is that they’re meant to be broken. Runners excite fans when they break records. Breaking records is what they’re supposed to do.
Just like records, barriers are meant to be broken.
When it comes to market access for your asset, what’s the most difficult part? How much of your time and focus are you spending on the difficult part?