Ready. Set. Access.

Market Access Strategic Execution Consultant

Light the Dark

Light the Dark

The darkest place is under the candlestick.

What problem is your team facing?

We spend a lot of time and money to fix what’s around us, ignoring the cheap internal fixes that could pay dividends.

What do you wish your team would do? What’s stopping from that happening? It might’ve not been possible back then, but is ripe for change now.

Don’t fear change.

“He that will not apply new remedies must expect new evils: for time is the greatest innovator.” –Francis Bacon

In this universe, nothing is constant—except change itself.

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America gets to pause two times every year: Thanksgiving and Christmas. This Thanksgiving, let’s be more intentional.

Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life.

It turns what we have into enough, and more.

It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity.

It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend. It turns problems into gifts, failures into successes, the unexpected into perfect timing, and mistakes into important events.

It can turn an existence into a real life, and disconnected situations into important and beneficial lessons. Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow.

-Melody Beattie

Here are some interesting questions to discuss together:

What’s the value of gratitude? Why does it even matter?

Why aren’t people, especially Americans, more grateful?

What can we do to feel grateful the other 364 days of the year?

Are older people more grateful than younger people? Or is it the reverse?

We all know the value of connections, but where did the barriers come from and what can we do to topple them?

Who’s the most grateful person you know? Who’s your gratitude role model?

What is something—a conversation, advice you received, etc.—you became grateful for only well after it occurred? Why did it take you so long?

Have you lived a life that deserves gratitude from others?

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Peace From Gurgles

Peace From Gurgles

Have you ever marveled at the gurgling after a meal?

It’s so peaceful out here despite the raging storm within.

Perhaps, it’ peaceful out here BECAUSE of the raging storm within. Someone is working hard right now so that I don’t have to.

Clients are at peace BECAUSE their contractors are assiduous in their work. They might never know about all that it takes to get it done.

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Punchlines First

Punchlines First

In training sessions, say the punchline first and then articulate the intricacies that support it. Not the other way around.

If the topic is alternative payment models, start with why it matters to them. Then go into its history if you have to. Not the other way around.

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Cheat Sheet for Professionals

Cheat Sheet for Professionals

Having a flashy degree is just not good enough.

Newly graduated professionals hit reality when they realize the importance of empathy—and how the 2 decades of education failed to teach them that.

Empathy is like a cheat sheet in the professional world.

Empathy is a skill. The good news is, just like any other skill, it can be learned.

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Collective Thinking

Collective Thinking

When you’re not the one holding the answers, one of the most responsible things you can do when coming into the room is ask the RIGHT QUESTIONS.

Collective thinking gets us ahead. Much further than any single individual could.

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When your face appears above theirs on the organizational chart:
A) Do they work for you?
B) Do you work for them?

Most believe ‘A’ to be true.

Those who have figured it out, know ‘B’ to be true. They’ve figured out that if you give them enough of what they want, they will give you everything you want.

They’ve also figured out that what they have is transient. Our employees and contractors are just as much ours as are our library books, kids, or wealth. They’re leased to us.

‘What I have is God’s gift to me. What I do with it is my gift to God.’

Company culture is more influenced by leadership’s outlook and less by the availability of baristas and foosball tables.

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Getting Promoted

Getting Promoted

Most who are in positions of power got there because they wanted to. And they wouldn’t mind climbing further.


  1. How you got here is not how you will get there. Overhead presses demand different muscles from deadlifts
  2. If you repeat the actions of your predecessors and expect the same results, you’re risking blind adoption of archaic ways. Today’s context may be different from yesterday’s
  3. We’re all in it together–all of us. It’s hard to overestimate the skill of empathy

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Creating Clarity

Creating Clarity

A valuable employee can set off lightbulbs around the room. He creates clarity rather than doubt.

Where did he get such wisdom from?

The wisdom is all around us, in abundance. If we choose to see.

Observation is a dying art.

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Valuable Skill

Valuable Skill

Market Access necessitates emotional labor.

Considering why his idea could be more sensible than ours.

Listening when we’d rather yell or walk away.

The emotional labor of empathy can be excruciating. Which is exactly why it’s so valuable.

How would our day be different when we realize that emotional labor is part of our job description?

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