Ready. Set. Access.

Market Access Strategic Execution Consultant

Collective Thinking

Collective Thinking

When you’re not the one holding the answers, one of the most responsible things you can do when coming into the room is ask the RIGHT QUESTIONS.

Collective thinking gets us ahead. Much further than any single individual could.



When your face appears above theirs on the organizational chart:
A) Do they work for you?
B) Do you work for them?

Most believe ‘A’ to be true.

Those who have figured it out, know ‘B’ to be true. They’ve figured out that if you give them enough of what they want, they will give you everything you want.

They’ve also figured out that what they have is transient. Our employees and contractors are just as much ours as are our library books, kids, or wealth. They’re leased to us.

‘What I have is God’s gift to me. What I do with it is my gift to God.’

Company culture is more influenced by leadership’s outlook and less by the availability of baristas and foosball tables.

Getting Promoted

Getting Promoted

Most who are in positions of power got there because they wanted to. And they wouldn’t mind climbing further.


  1. How you got here is not how you will get there. Overhead presses demand different muscles from deadlifts
  2. If you repeat the actions of your predecessors and expect the same results, you’re risking blind adoption of archaic ways. Today’s context may be different from yesterday’s
  3. We’re all in it together–all of us. It’s hard to overestimate the skill of empathy

Creating Clarity

Creating Clarity

A valuable employee can set off lightbulbs around the room. He creates clarity rather than doubt.

Where did he get such wisdom from?

The wisdom is all around us, in abundance. If we choose to see.

Observation is a dying art.

Valuable Skill

Valuable Skill

Market Access necessitates emotional labor.

Considering why his idea could be more sensible than ours.

Listening when we’d rather yell or walk away.

The emotional labor of empathy can be excruciating. Which is exactly why it’s so valuable.

How would our day be different when we realize that emotional labor is part of our job description?

Beyond Serendipity

Beyond Serendipity

When it happens, we marvel at an unexpected comradery.

Was it a serendipity? Or fate?

Each incident is just a snapshot from an infinite reel. Even then, it brings with it opportunity for growth. Packaged and delivered just for us.

Divine intervention.



Humans are magnificent creations.

Each has a story that’s as interesting as yours.

Being curious and taking interest in other humans is rare in the workplace.

Those that do seek relationships know: relationships bring richness in life.

Bringing In the Other Guy

Bringing In the Other Guy

Itches on the back can be elusive. No matter how we twist our arms, the itch seems to escape our reach every time. That’s when we ask someone else to scratch our backs for us.

Market access is a team effort. One person cannot do everything. If we want to be successful, we have to know when to bring in the other guy.

Together, we’re better.

Wasting What’s Precious

Wasting What's Precious

The math doesn’t add up.

With so many people working…so hard…in health care, you’d think the system would be like a shimmering jet engine.

If we dream of a better health care system, then certainly we can achieve it. With the effort that we put in, how could we not?

But that’s not what we were hired to do. ‘Not my problem.’ Most of us haven’t thought beyond our next paycheck.

We have precious skills…that we waste on small dreams.

Lead From Where They Are

Lead From Where They Are

Empathy is a highly underrated skill in the workplace.

Effective leaders understand that you have to lead from where they are, not from where you are.

How can you have empathy if you can’t accept them for who they are? Just tolerating is not good enough.

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