Where are you going?
If you don’t plan your time, money, and energy, someone else will help you waste them.
Where are you going?
If you don’t plan your time, money, and energy, someone else will help you waste them.
It’s easy to maintain a grey cloud. You can repeat stories about your sullen self. Again and again, to keep the story fresh.
Clear the skies by repeating stories about your feats. Again and again, to keep the story fresh.
No one knows you better than yourself.
You’ve survived the toughest of times. Tough situations build tough people.
Story Your Way Out Read More »
You’re introducing into the market something that’s going to bend the curve and make an impact.
The market doesn’t know it needs your work because it’s never seen it before.
That’s why at some point you need to pause on ad boards and unapologetically fight.
Keep pushing because it’s not over until it’s over.
If you slow down before the last moment, the last moment will suffer.
The team that scores first doesn’t always win.
Starting in the back is ok.
What’s not ok is letting them win because you quit and ran back.
Look where we’ve ended up by going with the flow.
You are more powerful than you think, you know more than you think you know, there is more in you than you think.
Stand Up and Stand Out Read More »
Giving into the competition’s superpowers will give you nightmares.
Break a sweat and grit your teeth.
Not because you’re afraid but because you’ve found a way to become formidable with your own superpowers.
Look around….
Who do you take for granted? Be grateful for them.
What do you take for granted? Be grateful for it.
Grateful for What’s Granted Read More »
Compounding is so powerful it seems magical.
You can change your destiny by changing what you do daily.
Consistency and persistence compounds.
You were bound to become great!
Foresight is not about predicting the future; it’s about minimizing surprise.
Hold the arrow in mid-air and ask, ‘why are they doing this?’
Expect the worst and address it NOW.
The market belongs to you!