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Market Access Strategic Execution Consultant

Not Just Dirt

Not Just Dirt

Looking down at the ground, soil looks like nothing more than inanimate dirt.

It’s actually hiding a thriving ecosystem which houses ONE QUARTER of the Earth’s organisms—from bacteria all the way up to moles! Who knew!

We are quick to conclude based only on what’s visible in plain sight.

Job titles and MAYBE a flashy degree (if they have one) are usually the only things by which we recognize our coworkers, because these are what’s visible on email signatures and LinkedIn profiles. These are what bring them into meetings and projects.

Digging deeper, we might be surprised at all the ways we can help each other solve problems—if we cared to look beyond titles and degrees.

Job titles and degrees are souvenirs of past accomplishments. They’re an inaccurate representation of the potential that’s yet to be discovered.

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