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Market Access Strategic Execution Consultant

Creating Forward Motion

Creating Forward Motion

We all know a good story when we see one, but professionals know how to create it.

Author of the bestseller DataStory, Nancy Duarte, brilliantly lays out the structure of a story in 3 simple acts:

>> ACT 1 (beginning): there is a problem or opportunity identified in the data

>> ACT 2 (middle): it’s messy to proceed because the data presents problems and/or opportunities

>> ACT 3 (end): the product/recommendation addresses the problem at its roots, creating a solution with positive outcomes

I can see the science behind why this works: tension and release creates forward motion.

The vast majority of market access projects involve just a single round of tension and release.

For longer projects, it’s a matter of the same motion done repetitively: tension>> release>> tension>> release>> tension>> release….