Ready. Set. Access.

Market Access Strategic Execution Consultant

Craving Connection

Craving Connection

“They’re not good.” “Who hired them in the first place?”

Have I ever said this? 

The culprit MIGHT be lack of skillset—but, it MIGHT not be. Someone saw the skillset in them which is why they were hired in the first place.

Possessing the skillset is different from pulling it off the shelf and putting it to use. When they CHOOSE to leave the skillset on the shelf, that’s when everyone else around gets frustrated.

Robots have on-off switches. Humans also have on-off switches, but they’re controlled by emotions and sonder.

Humans crave connection. Connection builds bridges and creates richness in life. Warmth and love can pull people in a way that marching orders can’t push.

The next time emailing marching orders isn’t enough, could the Universe be signaling a reminder about the other part of my job: connection?

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