How’s My Driving?
How’s My Driving?
Fleet owners want to hear from those on the road itself.
In health care, who’s my mirror?
Fleet owners want to hear from those on the road itself.
In health care, who’s my mirror?
We don’t need health care reform. What we need is a revolution. No revolution was fought by a single person.
The revolution should reframe our very outlook toward our work and the customers we serve. From greed to generosity; extraction to regeneration. This revolution doesn’t seek to cut heads, but turn them.
This revolution can’t marginalize spirituality, but rather enthrone it at its core.
What I have is God’s gift to me; what I do with it is my gift to God.
The other is not another, but my Divine brother. We may not be related by blood, but we’re related through our Bloodmaker.
Complaint-driven advancement does not intend to seek excellence, but rather refuge.
Our health care system is less than it should be because we’re short on empathy.
The way out is to strive for emotional fitness. If it were easy to be fit, everyone would be fit.
This is not an invitation for grandstanding, but a challenge to those who are eager to take the high road and create the change that they’re proud of.
Extortionate drug prices >> affordable drug prices. No matter what.
Exploitation of market consolidation >> pursuit of care unto the last. No matter what.
Coding games >> protection of patients against onerous medical debt and bankruptcy. No matter what.
Excessive executive compensation >> investment to improve true social influences on health. No matter what.
Promulgation of unnecessary care >> democratization of necessary care. No matter what.
Do not meet greed with silence. Silence is assent.
America’s health care system is the worst among developed countries? What?
Americans delight over a formidable challenge, not languish. It’s just who we are.
Americans gained their freedom from the British Empire longgg before any other country in the world.
We’re about to do it again. Americans will gain freedom from greed longgg before any other country in the world. It’s just who we are.
Expecting Congress to cauterize our health care system from kleptocapitalist behaviors is as naïve as the ill expecting our health care system to heal them.
The rot is everywhere.
It’s responsibility, not rights, that is being asked of us.
‘I slept and dreamed that life was a beauty. I awoke and found that life was a duty.’ -Ellen Cooper
What’s My Responsibility? Read More »
We’ll be disappointed if we wait for AI to solve health care’s problems.
Emotions, more than logic, guide human decisions. Then how is it that it’s only now that they’re beginning to show up in strategic imperatives?
Rationality of Irrationality Read More »
We cannot achieve external changes until we make internal changes.
We share roots. We’re one.
What am I being asked to show up for?
Who is counting on me?
What happens if I don’t make good on that promise? What happens if I do make good on that promise?
Can I think of a time when I was grateful for someone’s reliability?
The ‘I’m trying my best’ card can be pulled at any time. As long as there’s clarity.
‘For want of a nail, a shoe was lost. For want of a shoe, a horse was lost. For want of a horse, the battle was lost.’
Becoming More Reliable Read More »
The reason for our atomization is also the culprit for a sense of survivalism over citizenship.
We need to figure out a way to come together as one. Indivisible—come what may. Generosity over greed.
The resilience that emerges from such teamwork is what will save us. Teamwork like fire ants.