You can’t do everything. So don’t.
Be open to short-term failures in exchange for long-term competency.
You can’t do everything. So don’t.
Be open to short-term failures in exchange for long-term competency.
You can look for a problem in every solution.
Or, you can look for a solution in every problem.
Which one will you do today?
What we do in the presence of others is called manners.
We get to live when there’s no regard for their presence.
‘Work like you don’t need the money. Dance like no one is watching. And love like you’ve never been hurt.’ -Mark Twain
Bring Your Full Self Read More »
It’s one thing to set out to transform others.
Transforming ourselves on the other hand…is not for the faint of heart.
Get comfortable being uncomfortable.
The clients were never ours, nor the company, nor the revenue.
Yet, we’ve been entrusted with the clients, the company, and its revenue.
What we have is God’s gift to us; what we do with it is our gift to God.
Your Work Is Your Devotion Read More »
If you’re waiting for the perfect opportunity to take you from here to there, keep waiting.
It was never about your resources, and always about your resourcefulness.
A small spark is all you need to start a raging fire. The spark is yours; the spark is you.
Opportunity of a Lifetime Read More »
Look around—problems abound!
Each problem is a solution waiting to be built.
Problems, Problems, Problems Read More »
Impressing people is different from being impressive.
The thing is you are already impressive.
Why work so hard to impress your mortal kin when the Creator of this Universe has been cheering for you all along?
You’ve already made it; where to next?
How will you reach a goal that you’ve never set?
‘Aim above the mark to hit the mark.’ -Ralph Waldo Emerson