How can us market access professionals (strategists, writers, editors, and everyone else) possibly do our work if we’re not curious enough to seek out our customers’ voice?
In market access, we often treat our asset as our own child and customers’ needs as a stepchild. This backfires on the business as the stepchild always turns out to be the Cinderella of the story.
Isn’t the goal of manufacturers, payers, and providers ultimately the same? To keep patients healthy enough so they stay out of the health care system? It’s just that the market demands each stakeholder to address this call in a different way.
AMCP’s Partnership Forum is a platform where these stakeholders collaborate on tactics and strategies to drive efficiencies and outcomes.
Tapestry Networks is another platform that brings together such stakeholders.
I wonder if there are other such collaborative platforms out there.
Today is the First Day of Your Product's Life Cycle
What a phenomenal shape the circle is.
Where does it begin? Now, where does it end.
Is it possible that the circle could’ve started at any another point?
Yesterday ended last night. Today is the first day of the rest of your product’s life.
70% of launches fail. There’s evidence to suggest that the first year sets the trajectory for the rest of the product’s life cycle.
Cycle = circle.
Even if your drug has already launched, do you get another chance to begin?
How you got here is not how you will get there.
The asset inventory is what it is. It takes months-years to generate new evidence. What will you do in the meantime? Your product already has what it needs to penetrate the market in a way that no other product can–if you allow it.
Take a page from Zig Ziglar’s playbook: If you give them enough of what they want, they will give you everything you want.
Believing that your customers have no problems is just as true as believing that everyone posting smiling photos on Instagram has no problems.
What’s the problem of your customers? What keeps them up at night? What makes it dreadful for them to come back to work the next day? Why are they right to think this way?
The sequel to this would be: How can you show up to delight them? But let’s not get ahead of ourselves.
Customers feeling like they’re heard is in itself a TREMENDOUS stride forward.
Nurture trust. Nurture relationship.
If your neighbor knocked at your door with freshly baked cherry pie, would you accept it? What if a stranger did the same thing: would you accept it?
To be honest, I never thought of APNs under the light of resilience until HCPLAN’s presentation. They pointed that fee-for-service (FFS)-only providers suffered throughout the pandemic (sometimes fatally) because of the lost revenue due patients not showing up. In contrast, providers that were part of a pre-paid system (APMs) had predictable income so could adopt innovative practices (i.e. greater use of telehealth before the FFS model caught up to let them know that they would get paid for such virtual services). Members of APMs had more freedom to experiment with offerings within the realm of value-based care compared to FFS models.
HCPLAN creates a lofty vision that a resilient payment system can encourage care for the whole person, address social risk factors, and rewards providers for keeping patients healthy.
Can a revamped payment system really usher such a utopian health care system? Or is this overly zealous promise? What are the key 20% elements of the alternative payment model that could make provider organizations 80% more resilient?
If none of these questions resonate with you, have you ever drawn the connection between APMs and resilience?