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Market Access Strategic Execution Consultant


Multitasking is a Myth

Multitasking is a Myth

Research suggests that multitasking can actually reduce productivity by as much as 40%! So why make the same mistake again?

What would happen if I shifted my focus? Instead of “do, do, do,” what if I “see, see, see”? And the happy side-effect of “see, see, see” happens to be “do, do, do” …not to mention serenity and lightbulb moments?

The universe relentlessly bestows opportunities for me to become better (better strategist, writer, human,…). If only I was open to receiving them.

The same object can change its color depending on the shade of the sunglasses. Similarly, the same projects, clients, feedback, and obstacles look different with a different OUTLOOK. We see what we want to see.

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Curated Options Create Efficiency

Curated Options Create Efficiency

“Increase the market share” is different from the nebulous/run-on statement, “Make the market share better.”

Selection of the right verb can determine the fate of the message when received by the audience.

When finding answers, it is more efficient to select from curated options vs. trying to catch the right answer from thin air.

Options are convenient, but someone has to do the hard work of creating them first.

For example, when communicating change to executives, it helps to have a list of “performance verbs for change.” Nancy Duarte’s book DataStory offers a curated list of such “performance verbs for change” that most commonly appeared in the strategic decks that were examined:



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No Room for Pessimism

No Room for Pessimism

The only way out is through progress.

Pessimism is an easy trap to fall into, but it implies that humans are not creative. Pessimism doesn’t acknowledge all the ways that we have innovated our way out of previous traps.

While some wait for the doors of opportunity to open, some kick the doors down.

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Aimless vs. Purposeful

Aimless vs. Purposeful

Using up 7.5 hours at the desk is very easy. But how much of that work actually benefited my team, my organization, customers, patients, or even myself?

What work am I hiding from when I’m doing aimless work?

If I don’t ask why I have this [[position, project, client, or relationship with a customer]], then I shouldn’t ask why I don’t have it anymore when it is taken away from me.

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Archaic Ways

Archaic Ways

Most people who want to move up the food chain try to forge the actions of those who’ve made it: “if I do what they did, surely I will get to where they are.”

I question the validity of that because what worked THEN might be outdated NOW because situations have changed.

As Francis Bacon declared roughly five hundred years ago, “He that will not apply new remedies must expect new evils: for time is the greatest innovator.”

Instead of following WHAT they did, it might be more worthwhile to ask: “WHY did it work for them?”

It’s easy to hide behind proven ways, but it takes a brave soul to try new ways.

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Anything But Shoestrings

Anything But Shoestrings

Samuel Langley, an intelligent and famous university professor, was working hard to invent a flying machine. Even the U.S. government betted on his success by awarding him a hefty grant.

Meanwhile, 2 uneducated men were working on the same problem. Neither had a college degree—not to mention internet access or university laboratory. These are the Wright brothers–and the rest is history.

So the next time I THINK I’m handed nothing more than a shoestring to fulfill the strategy/business goal/vision/…, I ALREADY possess the necessary assets.

Doing more with less works better than doing less with more. Relentless pursuit demands a strong sense of purpose.

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Executive Summary for Presentations to Executives

Executive Summary for Presentations to Executives

Nailing a presentation to executives can open so many doors because these people have strong influence.

In the quick moment granted to me, how can I win their hearts and give them all the information that THEY need?

If only there was a template for presentations to executives! Something that someone actually took the time to think through and has proven time and time again that it works.

There is!

Check out Duarte Inc.’s template for an Executive Summary slide. They call this a “Recommendation Tree,” which, in Market Access language, is an Executive Summary slide for a presentation on RECOMMENDATIONS (it doesn’t work for value propositions, but it is godsend for recommendations).

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Slay the Day

Slay the Day

Everyone is granted 24 hours in a day. Yet why does it seem that some people are given extra time?

Mental intensity and time management hacks are both important.

  • Morning routine is like my oxygen mask. When I take care of myself, I can take care of others.
  • Once I reach my desk:
    • To-do list gives a framework for the day. When each item is given a time slot, it’s amazing how many things can be checked off in a single day!
    • Productive music (music without lyrics—just the beats) helps the mind from wandering off.
    • Short breaks at the end of the hour help to keep the creative juices flowing and also save the back.
  • 3 words: I will die (one of the biggest lessons COVID-19 has taught me). When it’s my turn, I will only take 3 assets with me: mind, intellect, and soul. So if I’m spending 50% of my waking day at work, it better count!

What helps you slay the day?

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Happy Mother’s Day

Happy Mother's Day

Thank goodness mothers aren’t keeping score! Otherwise what would become of us?

A mother gives life and a reason to live life. Because of a mother, I WANT to do the work that matters.

  • Divine Mother who takes care of me even when I don’t take care of myself.
  • Mother Earth who keeps giving, giving, giving despite me taking, taking, taking.
  • Mother Gita (yes, the scripture) who eagerly shares hacks and life lessons.
  • Mama Bear who is thinking of ways to make MY life painless despite her own painful knees.

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