If we’re ever able to unite despite all of these differences, it’s truly a miracle.
But there’s good reason to seek out unity. United we stand, divided we fall.
According to the United States Census Bureau, health care is the largest US employer. Yet, SO many patients expose how embarrassingly messy and inefficient our system is. What gives?
In conflicts, people rarely put up a fight to prove that a point of view is correct.
Even if they’re proven wrong, they will walk away in peace if they FEEL that they were heard, and people are leaving with the perception that THEY were correct (not whether their idea was correct–but that they were correct).
It was never about the idea—it was about them all along.
So, find a way to resolve the conflict in peace. Your team will be much better off.
What can you do to build trust with your customers?
Do you have strong evidence? Is the evidence consistent in the real-world setting? Have you shown commitment to improving care in the therapeutic area? Did you care to seek out what they want—or are you simply tooting your own horn? Does your language signal that you care about your own profit or service to them?
Trust is earned.
Inconsistencies break trust. Just like that.
Sometimes payers have no choice but to cover the one and only drug in the therapeutic area. But when competitors enter the market, they have choices.
If they trust you enough, they will go out of their way to MAKE SURE your product is granted favorable access.
An evolution in career goal is a healthy signal of evolution of the person himself.
Most people enter the workforce as a small fry that’s eager to catch up to everyone else.
5 years into their career, some may settle on a niche and decide to charge forward in that direction.
10 years into their career, they’re eager to help patients in more meaningful ways. They’re looking for bigger problems to solve. It’s time to play the ‘Ages 10+’ games. It feels more gratifying to think beyond themselves and wonder about their purpose in this world.
By this time, a big part of their professional goal is to serve those around them—which was hardly a concern in the beginning.
This has been my journey, at least. As I reflect on my birthday about how my wisdom and perspective have evolved since I graduated from pharmacy school.