Ready. Set. Access.

Market Access Strategic Execution Consultant

Become a shortcut Ninja to save 8 days per year (at least)

If you ever get the privilege to watch software developers at work, you’ll notice they rarely move their their hands off of the keyboard because they know that keystrokes are faster than hovering a mouse, which is faster than than a swiping on a trackpad. 

On the flip slide, if software developers ever get the privilege to watch market access folks at work, they’ll laugh. Unlike the techies, us market access folks reach for the mouse (or worse yet, trackpad) with every other breath that we take, thereby sluggishly accomplishing tasks which should ideally take a mere few seconds.

I read a study suggesting that an individual can save 8 DAYS per year by learning keyboard shortcuts. I believe this is still an understatement, especially if a job requires an individual to be on the computer all day, everyday. 

In the spirit of lifelong learning, let’s make it a priority to learn and implement some simple keyboard shortcuts. There are many, many useful shortcuts out there–just Google “keyboard hotkeys” or “keyboard shortcuts,” and go to town. Let’s dedicate an hour everyday this week to learning and practicing shortcuts for the applications that we use the most. There are even apps out there that can help us practice until it becomes muscle memory.

Here are a few useful shortcuts from The Miller Group for a jump start on the journey to becoming a shortcut Ninja and to spare the humiliation from a software developer.

It’s to make big strides and turn heads–let’s go.

Useful Keyboard Shortcuts for Market Access


We tend to work with several applications at once. Use Alt+Tab to scroll through your opened applications and and easily switch between them.



My favorite! Instead of hitting backspace to delete one character at a time, hold down the Ctrl key and tap backspace and delete entire words. Delete large paragraphs or sentences much quicker, without the help of a mouse.

Ctrl+Home or Ctrl+End

Need to jump to the top or bottom of your document? Use Ctrl+Home to move your cursor immediately to the top without scrolling. Use Ctrl+End to jump to the end.


Another favorite of my mine! Win+Home minimizes all applications except for the currently active window. This shortcut is useful when you need to switch to the desktop but don’t want to lose your current window.


Have you ever accidentally closed a browser tab and needed to get it back? Lose the mouse and use Ctrl+Shift+T to open the last closed tab in your browser.


Next time you need to find text in the current document/page, simply type Ctrl+F.

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