Ready. Set. Access.

Market Access Strategic Execution Consultant

Krishna Patel

Freelance Market Access Strategic Content Developer

Making Today Count

Making Today Count

If they care to keep up, our customers know that Amazon Prime and GoodRx Gold are making moves to dethrone the incumbents.

New competitors for them = new customers for us.

Everyday, in countless ways, our competitive position grows either weaker or stronger. We gain strength by delighting our customers, eliminating unnecessary costs, and improving our products and services. We wither if we treat customers with indifference and tolerate bloat. Our daily actions, though imperceptible, have enormous consequences cumulatively.

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We welcome feedback because of our drive to learn.

We can turbo-charge this drive by flipping feed’back’ on its head to seek feed’foward’.

  • Step 1: Choose 3 areas to improve on
  • Step 2: Pick three people to give you feedforward
  • Step 3: Set up a 30-minute meeting with each person you’d like feedforward from, and ask these three simple yet powerful questions:
    • “If I were better at [[the area I want to improve in]], what would you see me doing differently than I’m doing now? What would you hear me talking about? What would others tell you I was doing differently?”
    • “What else?”
    • “What advice do you have for me to improve?”

Feed’forward’ Read More »

Requirement For Character, Passion, and Skill

Requirement For Character, Passion, and Skill

More work does not always require more time. As a matter of fact, the inverse can be true depending on who’s doing it.

Your team members’ level of character, passion, and skill all contribute to how long it takes to get it done.

Team members of high character running the project about which they are passionate can get it done quickly and still have time for an afternoon nap. Conversely, even a single member who is deceitful, inept, or uninterested will create more work than anyone can handle.

Requirement For Character, Passion, and Skill Read More »

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