Ready. Set. Access.

Market Access Strategic Execution Consultant

Krishna Patel

Freelance Market Access Strategic Content Developer



Every human is as deep as the ocean. Unexplored and wonderful.

Go on an adventure and get excited about what you’re about to discover.

If nothing else, start with this question: ‘What is a learning that has changed your perspective or how you operate?’

Exploration Read More »



Lasting change rarely happens by blunt force.

It’s usually a dance or dialog with those sitting across the table.

Tension and release create forward motion.

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Shape Change

Shape Change

The CDC is warning of a trend indicating 700% increase in type 2 diabetes among young people by 2060.

During the same time frame, researchers are warning of 162% increase in cardiovascular deaths associated with extreme heat even when factoring in current climate policies.

Projections aren’t the future. They’re helpful insights based on sound evidence and assuming status quo.

Shrinking to apocalyptic doom is useless, unwise, and pathetic.

Recognize that change is happening, notice how it’s affecting us, and show up with intention and direction.

We’re all given a chance to ride the waves of change, partner with change, and shape change.

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Good But Misfit

Good But Misfit

Shiny object syndrome is a distracting dead end.

Don’t try to shove in good messages that are misfits. It’s as absurd as pairing chandelier earrings with a tracksuit.

What are you trying to get at? Do the data and messages align with that?

If not, save them in your back pocket for another time.

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The Spirit of Diversity

The Spirit of Diversity

Remember, the spirit of diversity is to bring unity.

In reality, we tend to magnify our differences while striving for diversity. This happens when we hyperfocus on metrics, disregarding the spirit.

Afterall, we are more similar than different. How are you like those who are subject to inequity?

The Spirit of Diversity Read More »

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