Ready. Set. Access.

Market Access Strategic Execution Consultant

Krishna Patel

Freelance Market Access Strategic Content Developer

Be Effective

According to the Pareto Principle, 20% of your actions produce 80% of the results. If there was ever a superlative hack, it’s this.

What 20% of your action will get you 80% there?

Your team can move the needle faster than ever before by answering this simple question.

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Invert, Always Invert

You can anticipate most reviewer comments with inverted thinking.

Think through the message forward and backward.

If you want to get something passed through reviewers, ask yourself, ‘How can this be unacceptable?’ Find the answer and then try to avoid it.

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We market messages of hope and a brighter future.

But that’s not reality.

Field teams are the ones most connected with reality. Gather intelligence from the ones with feet on the street.

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