Good Company
Good Company
Surround yourself with people you admire and respect. Use their strengths to guide you on what you hope to become.
We are the average of the five people we spend the most time with.
Surround yourself with people you admire and respect. Use their strengths to guide you on what you hope to become.
We are the average of the five people we spend the most time with.
Visionaries eventually come to realize that while everything can be done, it cannot be done in one day.
Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished. -Lao Tzu
AJHP published a study analyzing the usefulness of a commercially available AI chatbot’s responses to clinical pharmacy questions.
Of the 200 questions, 136 (68%) of the chatbot responses were acceptable when compared to pharmacists’ answers. The unacceptable answers might’ve been correct, but they were rated lower for completeness and safety.
Correct is good but it’s not good enough. Useful work is correct AND complete.
Correct and Complete Read More »
It’s not about when; it’s about now. It’s not about who; it’s about us.
Right here, right now: this is the most important work we could be doing.
Our future does depend on what we do today. We need to move forward together, understanding that the seeds we sow today will give us meaningful and fruitful yield for tomorrow. -Gandhi
Who’s turn is it to solve this?
It’s yours. It always has.
All-hands outperform one-off violent blows.
Lack of expectations and direction can cause chaos—or an alternate reality beyond your belief.
Quickly say what you need to say, then get out of the way.
Make space for your teammates to jump in. Their work will open doors you didn’t even know existed.
Make Space for Them Read More »
How long will you continue to tolerate the ugly landscape?
You’ve observed the weeds for long enough. It’s time to stop blaming them and begin pulling them out!
When we’re honest about finding a solution, we’ll find it was right under our noses the entire time!
How do you teach someone to build a house if they’ve never seen one before? It’ll lead to frustration and a dead end.
It helps to show an example, so they know what they’re working towards.
The only difference between a flower and a weed is judgement.
Discover an unexplored world by choosing to see them as flowers.
‘I get to do this’ is important to fire-up people.
‘I have to do this’ is important to set them off.