When things fall short because it’s too complicated, simplify.
If you’re waiting for the perfect opportunity to take you from here to there, keep waiting.
It was never about your resources, and always about your resourcefulness.
A small spark is all you need to start a raging fire. The spark is yours; the spark is you.
Opportunity of a Lifetime Read More »
Look around—problems abound!
Each problem is a solution waiting to be built.
Problems, Problems, Problems Read More »
Impressing people is different from being impressive.
The thing is you are already impressive.
Why work so hard to impress your mortal kin when the Creator of this Universe has been cheering for you all along?
You’ve already made it; where to next?
How will you reach a goal that you’ve never set?
‘Aim above the mark to hit the mark.’ -Ralph Waldo Emerson
Give them attention.
If you give them enough of what they want, they’ll give you everything you want.
Pay attention to your thoughts because they manifest your reality. Always.
If you’re off by inches at the start, you’ll be off by miles in orbit.
You already have all that you need.
At what point will you harness the wind behind your back to move forward?
They don’t call it ‘growing pains’ for no reason.
When you want to learn, you’re signing up for pain.
You will feel incompetent. It will be difficult. You will want to give way to the status quo.
Until…you don’t anymore. Because you’ve come out the other end.
‘If you are not willing to learn, no one can help you. If you are determined to learn, no one can stop you.’
What are you going to learn today?
You Are Unstoppable Read More »