Ready. Set. Access.

Market Access Strategic Execution Consultant

Krishna Patel

Freelance Market Access Strategic Content Developer

Mr. Forgetful

Mr. Forgetful

Today, who gave you the benefit of the doubt, offered you a compliment, or let you into traffic?

If no one did today, what about yesterday? Past week?

Today, who judged you, unfairly blamed you, or cut you off?

We could probably write a book about this one. Everyday.

Mr. Forgetful….

Mr. Forgetful Read More »

Yes, You

Yes, You

The same ailment bothers all of us: ‘why me?’

You were handed this because it was meant for you. You get a chance to prove to yourself your resilience, empathy, care, and power.

Now ask yourself the same question but with curiosity: ‘why me?’

Yes, You Read More »



It’s happening. All the past training, in this life and all the ones before, were meant for today.

Embrace today like no one has before.

It. Belongs. To. You.

Today! Read More »

Be Intentional

Be Intentional

If you’re looking for a reason to trust them, you’ll find it.

If you’re looking for a reason to distrust them, you’ll find it.

Why did you care to find a reason in the first place?

If it’s a relationship that you’re seeking, might as well abandon the latter for the former. Relationships bring richness in life–the most potent vaccine out there to prevent depression and loneliness!

Be Intentional Read More »

Imagine in 10 Years

Imagine in 10 Years

Can you imagine a future where every patient takes responsibility for his health?

Can you imagine a future where every citizen considers fitness and prevention of disease as a duty rather than a task?

In the midst of all the fire drills, care to raise a telescope to the future.

‘We always overestimate the change that will occur in the next two years and underestimate the change that will occur in the next ten.’ – Bill Gates

Imagine in 10 Years Read More »

You Get To

You Get To

‘So what?’ is humanity’s worst enemy.

Don’t become lazy to do all that you’ve been granted the privilege to do.

You’re in charge of much more than you’ve been told.

You Get To Read More »

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