You are not a creature of circumstance.
You create circumstance.
This market belongs to you.
You are not a creature of circumstance.
You create circumstance.
This market belongs to you.
Your team members take pride in exceeding expectations.
But how can anyone exceed expectations that haven’t yet been defined or communicated?
Maybe it was YOU who had to change your ways all along.
Communicate Expectations Read More »
Inventors don’t know if it’s going to work.
They open one door after another until one of them leads to their destination.
This is also the work of marketers.
Creative Briefs create clarity and accountability regarding timing, budget, and framework.
Without accountability there is confusion, blaming, and stagnancy.
With accountability there is a way forward.
You leave money on the table by asking, ‘would you like anything else?’
If they’ve come for bagels, be specific and ask, ‘would you like cream cheese to go with the bagels?’
They’ll appreciate you doing the intellectual labor for them.
Pitch the Cream Cheese Read More »
Laziness and drive are both choices.
Laziness avoids the emotional labor of asking the key question, overlooks those in need, succumbs to an argument over a thoughtful conversation, procrastinates, and hides from what’s feared.
Laziness feels safe now but eats at us over the long run.
It doesn’t getter easier, you just get better at it.
Mastery Through Persistence Read More »
If there’s a fly ball, you don’t shout, ‘you’ve got it.’
This game is yours as much as it is your team’s.
‘The buck stops here.’
If you have the foresight to warn them of your project’s truculence, you haven’t finished your job yet.
Find out the problem and solve it.
We’re counting on you.
It’s Not Over Until It’s Over Read More »
Tit for tat never ends well. For anyone.
The thing is, we could both use each other’s strengths.
We just haven’t cared to discover those strengths yet.