Against the Flow
Against the Flow
Choose your battles wisely.
Go against the flow in matters where we’re counting on you to be the flow.
Choose your battles wisely.
Go against the flow in matters where we’re counting on you to be the flow.
You are strong.
Which is why you have no need to put them down.
You get to lift them up.
We all see things differently. And we should.
Different viewpoints are not a reason for strife.
Overcome the differences and work together as one.
There is no room for division or tolerance. We accept nothing short of acceptance.
Payers need to be convinced that the problem being solved by your product is going o be around for a while if it’s not addressed.
They also need to be convinced that the market will be stable long enough to earn back the investment.
If your customers are hesitant about your slam-dunk product, could they be concerned about stability?
It may feel safer and more comfortable to pretend that you have no freedom.
In reality, you make thousands of choices everyday—35,000 on average.
‘Choices are the hinges of destiny.’
Jargon is exclusive.
If you want in on your customers, learn their speech, their likes, and their ideals.
Humans find comfort in familiarity.
Make Them Comfortable Read More »
Forward motion multiples. Ideas are exponential.
Today is a good day to commit to the possibility of a bright future.
Commit to a Bright Future Read More »
We feel alive the moment we gain a sense of identity.
Peel off the layers on top and underneath is hidden the Universe and its Creator.
Your team is suffering from your bottleneck if they’re waiting around waiting for your green light. And so are those you seek to serve.
Which parts of the approval process truly need your unique judgement and skills?
Get those done and let someone else do the rest.
Keep Things Moving Read More »