Keep Some and Ignore the Rest
Keep Some and Ignore the Rest
Let go of the tiny slights, small rejections, and bumps in the road. They’ll hold you down.
Hang on to the memories that’ll serve as fuel.
Keep Some and Ignore the Rest Read More »
Let go of the tiny slights, small rejections, and bumps in the road. They’ll hold you down.
Hang on to the memories that’ll serve as fuel.
Keep Some and Ignore the Rest Read More »
Signing a contract is just the beginning.
Now their eyes are on you. They’re expecting you to keep your promises.
It’s easier said than done.
Being one requires molding into each other.
There is no place for grandstanding, narcissism, and humiliation.
Being one means exposing your vulnerabilities, letting others know why they’re right, and caring to build each other.
Even if overnight success was possible, it’s not sustainable.
Count on figuring out what the market needs and turn that objective into a daily practice, step by step.
What’s worse: failure or fear of failure?
Trying and failing or avoiding trying?
Speaking up but being ignored or suffering in silence?
Caring and losing or not caring at all?
You Never Know Until You Try Read More »
A novice cook can seem like an expert with a good recipe.
Similarly, green marketers can seem like experts with the right insight.
The internet shows us the state of the art immediately, so everyone is working off the latest benchmark.
Innovations are like workouts.
We all like the idea of them, but they’re definitely not for us.
Don’t sell innovation to customers who are waiting for a proven, tested, and popular solution.
Sell them your track record instead.
We Don’t Want Innovation Read More »
Your customers should be clear about what they’re going to get.
If they’re left confused, unengaged, or dubious, it’s probably because someone was sleeping on the job.
Say directly all that you can. Convey the rest with symbols and inferences.
Today’s impossible will one day become your warm-up.
Accept the challenge.
They may not know what you know.
They may not have the power that you have.
That’s why they’re counting on you to set them up for success.
Your Team Is Counting on You Read More »