Ready. Set. Access.

Market Access Strategic Execution Consultant

Krishna Patel

Freelance Market Access Strategic Content Developer



Laziness and drive are both choices.

Laziness avoids the emotional labor of asking the key question, overlooks those in need, succumbs to an argument over a thoughtful conversation, procrastinates, and hides from what’s feared.

Laziness feels safe now but eats at us over the long run.

It’s Mine

It’s Mine

If there’s a fly ball, you don’t shout, ‘you’ve got it.’

This game is yours as much as it is your team’s.

‘The buck stops here.’

It’s Not Over Until It’s Over

It’s Not Over Until It’s Over

If you have the foresight to warn them of your project’s truculence, you haven’t finished your job yet.

Find out the problem and solve it.

We’re counting on you.

Work as One

Work as One

Tit for tat never ends well. For anyone.

The thing is, we could both use each other’s strengths.

We just haven’t cared to discover those strengths yet.



You’ve made it to the diving board. Now leap!

Take the leap and build your wings on the way down.

Today belongs to you.

We’re Counting on You

We’re Counting on You

It’s going to get better. The future is brighter.

So, the question remains whether you’re going to be a part of creating this future.

What can we count on you for?



We’ve fallen into a habit of accepting twisted, convenient, and half-truths as true.

Have the courage to sniff out manipulation.

Care to look around and decide for yourself the real value of what’s being sold.

Create History

Create History

You’ll get a chance to mesmerize at your creation.

You’ll get to remember the journey, all the friends that you encountered along the way, the sacrifices you made, the impossible-seeming goals that you were able to crush. That’s then.

As for now, you’re creating that history.

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