We Need You
We Need You
Arcane forms, changing regulations, difficult vendors, nonsense policies, and unintuitive software are not sources of complaint. They are boons.
If your job was too easy, you wouldn’t be employed.
Arcane forms, changing regulations, difficult vendors, nonsense policies, and unintuitive software are not sources of complaint. They are boons.
If your job was too easy, you wouldn’t be employed.
You’re not here to change them. You can’t, even if you tried.
True act of love is helping them reveal the best version of themselves.
If you want to be better today than you were yesterday, allow yourself to be a beginner.
Your customers are offering you their attention and trust. Care to see 2 things about them:
Who they are: what are they running away from, what are they running toward, what do they need?
Who they can be: what will they leave behind, which doors can you open, how can you support them?
Seeing them is more than just looking at them.
A crisis is a terrible thing to waste.
Every crisis bears a seed of discovery within.
Lean in to make that great discovery that was meant to solve a great problem!
We count on our leaders to know the way, go the way, and show the way.
But how many humans on this planet check the box on all three?
That’s why we’re counting on you to embrace the role of a covert leader.
An effective leader creates more leaders, not more followers.
Hire the experts.
They’ve already made all the mistakes which can be made, so you don’t have to.
Experts in the Field Read More »
You are not at the end of your journey.
Today is the first day of the rest of your life.
The problems are never as big as they seem to be. Do not be afraid.
They’re hardly stop signs. Rather, they are guidelines to show the way forward.