Work, Work, Work
Work, Work, Work
There is no substitute for hard work.
Work because you get to. Change face of this market.
When they come to laud you, hide. It was your team members all along and you had nothing to do with it.
There is no substitute for hard work.
Work because you get to. Change face of this market.
When they come to laud you, hide. It was your team members all along and you had nothing to do with it.
Silence is also an answer.
Everyone has enough time. To do the things they want to do.
Multitasking is a myth.
If they’re all priorities, delegate.
Creative Briefs cover 4 things:
If you’re not answering these 4 simple questions, you might be doing it all wrong.
Let go of the tiny slights, small rejections, and bumps in the road. They’ll hold you down.
Hang on to the memories that’ll serve as fuel.
Signing a contract is just the beginning.
Now their eyes are on you. They’re expecting you to keep your promises.
It’s easier said than done.
Being one requires molding into each other.
There is no place for grandstanding, narcissism, and humiliation.
Being one means exposing your vulnerabilities, letting others know why they’re right, and caring to build each other.
Even if overnight success was possible, it’s not sustainable.
Count on figuring out what the market needs and turn that objective into a daily practice, step by step.
What’s worse: failure or fear of failure?
Trying and failing or avoiding trying?
Speaking up but being ignored or suffering in silence?
Caring and losing or not caring at all?