Ready. Set. Access.

Market Access Strategic Execution Consultant

Krishna Patel

Freelance Market Access Strategic Content Developer



Your brand is not what you say it is; it’s what they say it is.

They’re not buying your product.

They’re buying the relations, stories, and magic.

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Today you get to be smarter than you were yesterday.

Become smarter about the process, effects, planning, leadership, management, and measurement.

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Overcome Mistakes

Overcome Mistakes

Humans, by definitions, make mistakes.

Your best customers know that.

Set aside the shame and blame and allocate emotional labor for the most important part: making things right.

Care to understand the other person, what happened, and do the hard work of moving forward.

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You’ll be surprised at your team’s capability.

Go ahead, boil the ocean!

But first, plan: set goals, timelines, and responsible stakeholders.

If I plan to succeed, I must succeed to plan.

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Customer Map

Customer Map

Your customers have the same dreams, hopes, and fears as you do.

Care to embrace their dreams, worldviews, and energy.

What are they like? >> Transcend demographics and take a walk in their shoes.

Why are they here? >> Be clear on why they will come to hear you.

What keeps them up at night? >> Let them know that you empathize with their pain point and offer a solution.

How can you solve their problem? >> Let them know how you will make their lives better.

What do you want them to do? >> Ensure there’s a clear action for them to take.

How might they resist? >> Contemplate on what will keep them from carrying out your call-to-action.

How can you best reach them? >> Give the audience what they want, how they want it.

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The Japanese often repair cracked ceramic with gold. They don’t just tolerate flaw but celebrate it by letting it tell its own story.

Wabi-sabi is the celebration of beauty in imperfect things.

How would our relationships with customers, colleagues, and ourselves be different with the lens of wabi-sabi?

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