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Market Access Strategic Execution Consultant

A Time for Everything

A Time for Everything

Was there ever a time when we thought about the million other deadlines while we were working on the project at-hand? (all the time!)

Amplify that noise with other the non-work priorities: go for a run, write the blog, make a grocery run, fold laundry, ….

Each second I give attention to these other priorities, I’m taking away a second from the project at-hand. It adds up.

There’s a famous quote by Jim Rohn: “Either you run the day, or the day runs you.”

Each item is special and worthy of REVERENCE. It helps to transfer it from the brain onto paper (make a list), and (if it makes sense) put it on the calendar. Once it’s on the calendar, there’s no getting around it now!

The reality is that there is one of me and infinite of them, so each item has to wait its turn so it gets the attention it deserves.