Take Control of the Workforce Trend
About 50% of nurses are thinking about leaving their jobs. Same with physicians. For pharmacists, not only is the turnover high, but there was a 36% decline in pharmacy school applicants from 2013 to 2021. We can seize the controls and pull the nose up by effectively preparing the new batch of professionals for reality.
Which aspects of PGY1 and PGY2 residency training do pharmacists appreciate the most? The ones where they receive attention and get a chance to give attention: they appreciated mentorship (especially with lecture preparation), precepting and coprecepting opportunities, and CE presentations. All of these can be worthwhile if centered around elevating pharmacy practice, optimizing patient care, encouraging innovation, protecting the well-being and resilience of the workforce, and empowering all pharmacists to elevate their practice, scholarship, and contributions to the profession.