Ready. Set. Access.

Market Access Strategic Execution Consultant

Laggards on the Team

Laggards on the Team

No one works in a vacuum in Market Access. We all rely on everyone else.

Be mindful of the weakest person on the team. Giving attention to them is well worth it.

How can you help them level-up? Do they need to additional skills? Do they crave nourishment?

It’s not that laggards will hold you back; but rather, they can actually bring the entire team down with them.

(After all, because of those of us who CHOSE to remain unvaccinated, EVERYONE has to brace themselves again for an uncertain future).

Before they bring everyone else down with them, what can you do to pull them up?

We are one. We are in this together. I need you.

Organizations have a competitive advantage when they have a culture where team members look out for each other.

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