Ready. Set. Access.

Market Access Strategic Execution Consultant

We Are All Storytellers

We Are All Storytellers

An important part of storytelling is first establishing the problem. If there’s no problem that your product solves, don’t bother showing up in the Pharmacy Director’s office.

Catch the resistance in order to sail forward.

When you’re sailing, you need wind, with which you move your boat back and forth, back and forth. You actually have to capture oncoming wind’s resistance. Interestingly, if your sail captures the wind just right, your ship will sail FASTER than the wind—it’s a physics phenomenon!

So if your story first plants what you’re going to resist, and THEN introduces the solution, it’s actually going to draw the audience towards your idea quicker than should you simply state your product’s efficacy and safety data.

Tension and release, tension and release, tension and release…causes forward motion.

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