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Market Access Strategic Execution Consultant

Launch Pains are Temporary

Launch Pains Are Temporary

A woman is debilitated by severe hearing loss. Yet she fields issues all day long at the customer service desk at Home Depot. She frequently endures shouts from customers who don’t realize that she doesn’t respond because she’s hard of hearing. She moves forward despite her situation to provide EXCEPTIONAL customer service.

In Market Access, we don’t have to haul heavy items nor do we bear people shouting at us. Yet we complain.

The difficulty of product launches is REAL, but it’s TEMPORARY. The woman with permanent hearing loss has to live with her handicap forever.

Then what is left to complain about, really?

I don’t have to do any of this…I get to do it.

Moments of difficulty are actually a dance between my shortcomings and I. These moments are golden opportunities for growth. Like gold, these opportunities are buried in the dirt and can only be recognized by a trained eye.

“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent. It is the one that is most adaptable to change” –Charles Darwin

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