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Market Access Strategic Execution Consultant

Fixing What’s Broken

Fixing What's Broken

Before discharging patients with heart failure, serious mental illness, or acute renal failure from the hospital, doctors should say, “see you back on the bed within 30 days.”

On average (across the nation and all severity levels), readmission within 30 days is guaranteed for 1 in 5 of these patients.

How troubled would patients feel about this statistic?

How is this acceptable?

We have the best technology in the world.

We also have manpower. According to the Census Bureau, health care/social assistance is THE LARGEST employer in the US with >20,000,000 professionals.

Then why these bleak numbers?

Statistics like these can easily fuel the game of finger-pointing, often amounting to a mound of…nothing.

The only way out is through progress.

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