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Market Access Strategic Execution Consultant

The Same Information Told Differently

The Same Information Told Differently

True story: a brilliant executive was trying to penetrate a new market, but could not get the customers to buy into his idea. The proposal written for this new customer segment was similar to the ones he would write for his current customer segment. Why didn’t it work? Rather than giving up, he asked his colleague (another brilliant executive) to write the same proposal differently. It worked! The customers bought his services. 

Right content matched to the right people moves them.

Who am I trying to persuade?

In order for them to take action, who do THEY need to persuade?

What do I need to provide them so that they’re well-prepared to persuade their colleagues and not putting their reputations on the line (because who would take such risk at work)?

Good writers : customers :: chameleons : environment. Adaption.

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