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Market Access Strategic Execution Consultant

Meal Planning Saves Projects

Meal Planning Saves Projects

I have nothing against eating out. Except when I INTEND to have a homemade meal, but it’s already dinnertime by the time I finally decide what to make.

The archenemy of homecooked meals in the Patel household is not its complexity, unavailability of ingredients, or lack of time—it’s the surprising culprit of indecision.

Meal planning helps because it’s a TEMPLATE that solves my single biggest obstacle to homemade meals.

Templates work. They establish boundaries backed by science.

Market access projects are as much science as they are art. When engineered by experienced professionals, templates make the science part straightforward.

Templates can take on many forms. Useful templates are simple yet profound. Questions that MUST be answered before diving into projects. Items that MUST be checked-off before handing over projects to Clients.

Once the science part is taken care of, the fun part begins: making art.

What are the most common reasons for project failure? Failure of specific PARTS of a project? How can you flip these obstacles on their head?

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