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Market Access Strategic Execution Consultant

Do Your Best. It’s Good Enough Around Here

Do Your Best. It's Good Enough Around Here

‘Do your best. It’s good enough around here.’

There are 2 reasons I like it when we say this.

First, it takes off the pressure of expectations. The release of this weight in itself improves performance. 

Carefree is important. Carefree is not the same as careless.

Secondly, it’s a shortcut to getting in touch with my Self that cuts through the noise. I hold no one else accountable for my actions except myself. This is my chance to see what I can really do. It’s a journey of Self discovery that makes me feel focused, clear, and alive.

I give it my all–so much that I can look God in the eye and say, ‘I did my best–now it’s Your problem.’

How do you strive to set your personal records?

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