Ready. Set. Access.

Market Access Strategic Execution Consultant

Intelligence and dependability over all other qualities

When you meet a content developer for the first time, what questions do you ask in order to understand if she’s the perfect fit for your job? Most people pass judgement based only on these 2 questions: “Do you have experience in writing xx project?” and “What’s your rate?”

Are these questions enough? Or should you be probing more?

In the spirit of summer vacations (since it is August), imagine you’re taking a family trip to the beach. You should be confident that (a) the GPS will actually guide you to the correct destination, and (b) your vehicle will safely take you to your destination without breaking down. If you didn’t have confidence in these two things, you would download another GPS app and you would get another car, right?

Apply the same logic to your market access projects: much of your project depends on your writer, so you should be confident that she is (a) intelligent (understands the market and relevant trends–if not, then can find out the information on her own; understands the customer/audience needs; is clinically savvy) and (b) dependable (sticks to the project to the end–no matter what; is mindful of timing; is willing to work with the team at-large).

An intelligent and dependable content developer can bring peace of mind to your team and is worthy of showing off to your clients–both of which help to bring in revenue for your organization.

In my experience, finding a content developer who is BOTH intelligent and dependable is rare. You are lucky to have found her, so take notice.

It’s time to make big strides and turn heads–let’s go.

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