Choose Company Wisely
Choose Company Wisely
We are an average of the 5 people we spend the most time with.
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We are an average of the 5 people we spend the most time with.
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It’s a well-known statistic that ~70% of product launches fail.
If the product fails despite sufficient talent, skill, and money, it must be because we didn’t want it badly enough.
Defying gravity requires intentional, well-orchestrated, and powerful effort.
Care to Defy Gravity Read More »
Where are you taking the team?
Help them envision the future some you can all work towards a common goal.
Go ahead and hope for the best.
But expect the worst. That’s the only way you’ll show up prepared.
The Creator Eternal Omnipotent (CEO) of the Universe gifted us trust, leverage, and privilege.
The moment of pride is when we reciprocate the generosity with something that was created using these tools.
The proudest person must be the one who creates a new gift everyday! What an incredible way to show up at work!
Species evolve to meet the environment.
Same goes for our work: it’s not final so expect incremental evolution.
Let the market inform the way it shows up.
If you wait to feel ‘ready’ before showing your work to the world, an entire lifetime may go by.
You’d rather act now and maybe fail than act never and definitely fail.